SaturdayYou 9: Forget You
1. Have you ever felt that you needed to just forget an ex-lover?
I have closure on all my previous relationships. No real regrets. No issues. Now, it's all about Bud.
2. Spring picnics and cookouts are here! What would you want to have your plate as you head back to the table?
Steak or a great burger.
3. It's St. Patrick's Day, March 17th! Do you celebrate? Green Beer? Go out?
I always enjoy the ritual of making corned beef, cabbage, carrots and potatoes and I wear green. I have a long history of getting into trouble if I go out drinking on St I don't go out anymore on that day.
4. Did you remember to wear green today?
I enjoy wearing green. It's a fun and harmless holiday. I always wonder why people do NOT celebrate in some little is cool.
5. What phrase or saying do you over use?
Sadly, "I'm sorry" comes to mind.
6. If you could (or could have) change(d) something about your relationship with your parents, what would it be?
Communicated more when they were alive.
7. If the NCAA Men's or Women's Final Four basketball tournament was played in your hometown arena or within easy driving distance from where you live, would you try to attend one of the games?
I'd rather weed the garden.
8. No matter what's going on in your life, what always makes you smile?
Remembering how Bud looks at me.
9. We've asked this before: What else is on your mind? Go ahead and rant.
Why tax income when sales tax could be raised to compensate...I hate paying income tax especially when I have no say in how the government spends it.
You do have a thing with "I'm sorry." And most of the time "it" has nothing to do with you. I say, "I love you." You say, "I'm sorry." Wait. I might be missing something!