Sunday, August 14, 2011

SATURDAY 9 MEME: My Best Friend's Girl

Saturday 9: My Best Friend's Girl

1. Have you and a friend ever have an argument because you were attracted to the same person?
My friends and I have totally different taste in men, so this never came up. I have had issues when my friend didn't like HIS friend on a double date-meeting and didn't want to end my date because she hated hers.

2. Who never returns your phone calls?
I work as an accounts payable/receivable bookkeeper and when I call vendors to inquire about payment, they rarely call back.

3. What was your favorite childhood toy?
A big ole stuffed dalmation named Snoopy. I loved the life out of that dawg and it now resides on my diningroom floor awaiting it's final photo shoot before I send it to toy heaven.

4. Who is the last person you greeted at your door?
Bud, but he was not at the door. He called me on my cell phone all the way from my porch swing to come out and get him.

5. Would you change anything about your life right now?
Umm..what category?, I have Bud back. Physically...weight namely muffin top needs to dismiss itself from my person, work-financially...need to learn more about my duties so I make less errors.

6. Who is the easiest person for you to talk to?

7. If you could live in any ancient city during the height of the quality of its society and culture, which one would you choose?
I adored Greek Mythology and Egyptian stories...a toss mup between the two. In school, I was fascinated by the Aztec Mayan culture, but I'd never want to live with them. Yikes.
8. What is the most exciting event you’ve ever witnessed?
Not to be a bummer, but my mother's death was incredible to witness happening.

9. What do you consider the ideal age to have a first child?
For me...never will be a good age. For others...babies come when they need to be born. I believe physically, that women should breed before 34 or their stale eggs will risk birthing a higher percentage of autistic-malformed-uber-sensitive type of offspring.

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