Saturday, December 4, 2010

SATURDAY 9 meme: Hard Habit to Break

Welcome to Saturday: 9. Hard Habit to Break

1. Do you have any habits or rituals at this time of year?
Cookies! I bake 12 different kinds! I try to do at least 1 new kind each year. I'm famous for it, especially at work.

2. Polar bears seem to do well in the snow... How about you? Is snow just another thing you deal with when it shows up, or is it shutdown time? ...and if you're posting from a non-snowy locale, do you make trips to actually see snow? It's okay to admit it...
I enjoy photographing it, watching the first snowfall. Being inside and warm while it is snowing, with power ON, and sledding in it for a short period of time. I do not ski.

3. Tell about a toy you remember from your childhood.
I always liked coloring books and those really big 64-boxes of crayons with the sharpener built into the box.

4. If you could make one thing in the world absolutely free for everyone, what would it be?
Peace...and antibiotics.

5. Do you live close to your immediate family members? If not, how far away are they?
Not far away enough.

6. My mom ordered a turkey dinner from a local market. it was o.k., but not very good. how was your turkey (or last holiday meal) this year?
Great T Day dinner. I had dinner OUT in a restaurant and ordered pork tenderloin instead. Best turkey I ever had!

7. In a one horse open sleigh: Have you ever been on a sleigh ride or a carriage ride? Do you even like horses? Or would you just rather travel by your own two feet?
I loved my sleigh ride out in the country just this past February in the Berkshires. I filmed part of it, but the end shows one of the horses makin doody. Horses are cool otherwise.

8. What is your favorite Christmas song? ...and sung or played by whom? You know, the one you tend to listen for on the radio or hit 'repeat' on the player...
Once In Royal David's City sung by the Boys Choir at Oxford and Little Drummer Boy by Harry Simeone Chorale.

9. What is your least favorite Christmas song? ...and sung or played by whom? You know, the one you tend to skip on the player...
ANY version of 12 Days of Christmas. I cringe when it starts, knowing there are all those annoying repetitive verses...also, that one about 3 ships...uugh.


  1. "I saw three ships come sailing in on Christmas Day! On Christmas Day!" Now I'm going to have that carol going through my head all day. (Or at least until another one replaces it.) That Crayola box ROCKED! I still remember my two favorite blues (cobalt and periwinkle).

  2. Oh I know- it had to be a fresh box of 64 every year. It sucked when your crayon broke off in the sharpener too.

    Have a great Saturday!

  3. On the first day of Christmas my true love gave to me a hammer to break that record. Amen.

  4. I used to feel kind of nostalgic about the house smelling yummy with the Thanksgiving preparations but not having to slave over a hot stove or have dishes to clean up make it all worthwhile. Plus--you had your best turkey ever!! :-)

    And--great song choices for the worst song!
