Monday, February 14, 2011

MONDAY MAYHEM meme: Things We Love

Welcome to Monday Mayhem- the cool place to be.

In honor of Valentines Day, today's meme is all about the things that we love.

1. Name a food that you love.
Belgian Chocolate Truffles. The kind with the shredded chocolate on the outside. I had my first when I visited Brugge in 1998 and never forgot them. The best chocolate in the world bar none.

2. Name someone that you love.
Bud. After almost a year with him, I cannot imagine my life without him.

3. What kinds of ice cream do you love?
Chocolate with nuts in it, Coffee, Butter Pecan, and I used to love Fudge Ripple, Black Raspberry and Chocolate Chip. I'm moody about ice cream flavors.

4. What would you love to receive for Valentines day?
A promise that I'll be with the same person for next years.
 5. What meal would you just love to eat for dinner?
V Day or regular? I love lasagna actually for a regular meal. Bud and I had our V-Day (St Hallmark) meal on Saturday. I had prime rib, steamed veggies, baked potato, crusty warm bread with butter. ...and a signature drink called "Love In The Afternoon" which had Southern comfort in it.

6. What is something that you learned to love?
Cooking again. On my own I was heating frozen dinners. Bud gets fresh cooked meals almost nightly. I had to learn to love cooking again or starve.
 7. Tell us something that we would love.
If I won the lottery, I'd send you each a cut of it.

8. What is your definition of love?
Spiritual bonding with bennies.

9. What is it that you love more than anything?
Saturdays. The first hope of the weekend.

10. Name a Monday Meme that you love.
None come to mind right now. ;-)

11.Would you love to write a Monday Mayhem?
Nah. I got a life outside of answering these things and writing Friday's Rock n Roll meme is enough for me.


  1. Mmm...truffles! We made our yearly visit to the Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory this weekend. They always have fresh choco-strawberries this time of year. Happy V-Day to you and Bud!

  2. Wow- it's almost been a year?
    I hope Bud spoils you today!

    Thanks for playing.
    Have a great Valentines Day!

  3. That V Day dinner sounds scrumptious...right down to the drink. Southern Comfort was my vice of choice back in college. I used to have a recipe book that featured SC in each dish. I made stuffed baked oranges our first Christmas after getting married (it tasted way better than it sounds).

    You and Bud seem to have very good odds of being together next year on V Day. :)
