Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Muffed Target #16 meme : Screwy Photos

Welcome to the The Muffed Target meme

Each Tuesday Thom asks us to post a picture which is completely crazy, messed up, with nothing on etc, which normally you would immediately delete. It can be everything, like only shoes instead of the whole person, a blurred building or whatever you want. Then tell us the little story how it happened and what it should have been.

Today I had to reach back into the Winter pile for this pic of one of the dogs I babysat for last year. I was bending over to take a "cute" close up photo of the dog and she grabbed my very expensive Irish gray wool sweater and chewed a huge hole in the front! I am a dog lover or there would have been one less dog on the planet that day. I captured the moment just before I was swinging the dog around by the sweater trying to get her to let go of it.


  1. Awww...look at that face. C'mon Mom, let's play!

  2. Come on, Kathy! Come play!

    This is a cute shot. Sorry it cost you a sweater!

  3. BWAHAHAHA " I captured the moment just before I was swinging the dog around by the sweater trying to get her to let go of it." Too funny. I would have given anything to have a video of you doing that to this dog LOL Too funny. Thanks for playing. Much appreciated :)
