Sunday, October 24, 2010

SUNDAY STEALING meme: Living in New England

Sunday Stealing: The Presuppose You're Living in New England Meme

1. Have you turned the heat on in your house yet this fall?
Oh yaaa...and I've turned up the thermostat also.

2. Do you allow your pets on the furniture?
Only Bud.

3. What were your final words for September?
Thank you for the BIG E Fair and the wonderful apples.

4. What are your first words for October?
Welcome Autumn leaves, crisp air, sweaters, flannel sheets and comfort food!

5. Do you think you’ve ever seen a ghost?
Yep. And something extraordinary happened at the exact moment of my mother's death.

6. What is the one color that represents this time of year?
ORANGE (a color of sexuality and creativity)

7. Which of your senses do you think is most sensitive this time of year?
My eyes...looking at all the beauty.

8. What is your favorite thing to do at the county fair?
Walk and point and eat and smile.

9. What do you like when you have a cold?
Uninterupted sleep.

10. Are you willing to spend over $100 for a piece of winter clothing, like boots or a coat?
Yep. Coats run high.

12. What do you have too much of in your kitchen?
Gadgets and baking stuff...and sugary foods.

13. What gripes do you have about this time of year?
My ONLY gripe is that I caught a terrible flu this year which has prevented me from those daytrips I love to take.

14. Other than yourself, are you responsible for getting anyone ready in the morning?
No, thank goodness, although I do make breakfast for THE MAN every now and then.

15. When was the last time you cleaned your gutters?
Is that a sexual term?

16. So, it’s after Labor Day. Will you still be wearing white?
NO WAY. I will, however wear "winter white" clothing. I do not presently have any.

17. What shows are you most looking forward to this Fall?
I was disappointed in HAWAII 5-0, except for the great scenery and photography. OUTSOURCED has been the greatest new show so far. HOUSE has been odd with the Cuddy thing. I love NCIS and LIE TO ME.

18. What three things have you just not gotten around to from the summer, but probably should do before snow flies?
Paint the hall and bedroom. Record all of my music onto my computer.


  1. just what happened at your answer to #5. Whoa...just whoa. And I didn't know that about the color orange....hmmmmmmmm.

    My Stealing is now posted if you'd dare to stop by when time allows.

    The link...HERE

  2. I love NCIS too.
    By the way, what kind of extraordinary thing you have on number #5? I really want to know :)

    Hop here from SS
    Happy Sunday

  3. You know, now that I think of it, I never really wear a lot of white at any time of the year...

    Have a great Sunday.

    Join us for Monday Mayhem

  4. Ditto that on uninterrupted sleep during a cold!

  5. I didn't know that about the color orange. I like it even MORE now. Happy Sunday.

  6. You turned me on to NCIS & I thank you. What a great show! I've covered myself in orange... ;)

  7. #15 LOL. But if we cleaned those 'gutters' our poor little minds would be homeless! Hope you get better soon Kathy!

  8. Give Chase and The Whole Truth a try. Awesome! What the hell is the difference between white and winter white? Snowflakes? ROFLMAO. Have a great week ahead.

  9. I'm curious about # 5 ....please share!
    Have a beautiful week!
