Saturday, October 30, 2010

SUNDAY STEALING meme: Me Myself and I

Sunday Stealing: The Meme About Me, Myself and I

1. What inspires you to blog?
Validation... kind of like being interviewed each day of the week!

2. What’s the best thing about blogging, for you?
The social aspect. Reading other people's answers and commenting, and I enjoy when they bother to comment on my answers. I feel like I have a secret society of friends. My regular blogs are travel and fun related, so I get that creative outburst there.

3. What is your favourite book of all time?
"Class" by Jilly Cooper (British Humor) tied with "Rape of the A.P.E." by Allan Sherman.

4. It’s 9pm and for some reason you’ve been hungry all day, despite the three square meals. What do you rustle up?
Popcorn and Wine!

5. Who are three of your style icons?
No celebrities or specific designers...I just like certain store "styles":
Coldwater Creek. Chico's. Victoria's Secret. (their clothes not undies)

6. What’s your current favourite song/piece of music?
Today it is Stevie Wonder's "All in Love is Fair". It changes daily.

7. What is the last book you read?
"Learn MS Office 2007 Visually"

8. What is your current favourite recipe?
Chocolate Chip Cookies with Walnuts (from scratch). Recipe given by request.

9. Who or what first inspired you to set up your own blog?
I started a job as an assistant innkeeper and created 2 blogs as a marketing tool for the Inn. One of them is quite popular still, as I update the posts from last year even though I no longer work there. "AIREDALE ANTICS" People actually have visited the Inn to just meet the dogs! The other blog is travel oriented. My meme is Rock n Roll Fridays and I do that because I love music and it's fun.

10. What object could you not live without?
I need 3/4. My phone, computer and car. Does Bud count as an object?

11. Where do you see yourself in ten years?
Is this a JOB INTERVIEW???

12. Who or what made you into the person you are today?
I did. I re-invented myself about 12 times in the past 10 yrs.

13. What have you learned from blogging?
If you put it out there, be prepared to take the heat for it. Also, if you want people to read your writings, you have to return the favor.

14. Knowing what you know now, what knowledge would you pass on to your past self?
The world will not ever operate the way you believe it should so deal with it now and stop trying to change it. Positive is better than negative. Don't take certain jobs and don;t date certain men. (names withheld)

15. Sunday roasts - lunchtime or evening meal?
Either, depending on the day of the week. I like a Sunday daytime dinner or nice big brunch. Rest of the week my big meal is in the evening.

16. What has been your best blogging-related experience so far?
Sharing meme-writing with Bud and Janera.


  1. really interesting answers you got here and I so agree with your #2. My Sunday Stealing is here.

  2. My favorite song changes regularly, too. And All in Love Is Fair is a great choice! One of those songs I understand more now than I did when it first came out.

  3. :-) hello!!! interesting Answers.. Happy Sunday!!!

  4. Popcorn yum!
    Validation? That's too funny. And that Janera....

  5. I am so remembering your answer to #11. That question more than any other prompted me to hate memes!
